- 1 check-ins
- 2K active players
6 ratings
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Land of Destiny (LoD) is a real time strategy game, which is played online together with thousands of other players. After registration you start with a small tent somewhere on the game world.
Next to your tent there is a pile of resources, this is necessary to start building your village. The first steps in the game is getting your food production up and running, to satisfy you peasants food consumption. In your tent you can recruit peasants, they will take a place as workers in your new buildings. Once you have a hunter it is time to start producting construction materials such as planks and stone.
Land of Destiny has a wide variaty of resources, this is one of features which make LoD interesting and different compared to other browser games. Each building type requires it's own tool and planks are not supplied by the woodcutter but logs first have to be processed by a sawmill in order to get planks.
The are many other features to be discovered in Land of Destiny, so see you in LoD soon!